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Xiaoliang Qi (Stanford)

Zheng-Yu Weng (IAS, Tsinghua)

Cenke Xu (UCSB)

Hong Yao (IAS, Tsinghua)

Hui Zhai (IAS, Tsinghua)

Time:June 25-27, 2017

Venue:Room 104, Science Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

The conference is sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Study of Tsinghua University. All are welcome to attend and no registration fee is required.

Recent years tremendous progresses have been made towards understanding strongly interacting conformal field theories without supersymmetry. First of all, it was observed from various reasonings that different field theory Lagrangians in 2+1d can be secretly identical (dual) to each other in the strongly coupled infrared limit: a surprising and powerful statement, which implies that the same CFT could use different Lagrangians as its disguise. Secondly, motivated by the original model constructed by Sachdev and Ye (which was recently reintroduced and generalized by Kitaev), many exactly soluble models with approximate 0+1d conformal symmetry have been proposed. These models share many amazing properties such as maximal chaos, finite ground state entropy, and holographic dual in the AdS2 space. This conference will bring together world-leading experts on these topics to discuss latest progresses in these directions.

Topics including:

Duality web of 2+1d CFTs, and its connection to condensed matter physics;

Unconventional quantum critical points;

SYK model and non-fermi liquid states;

Holographic duality and condensed matter physics.

For more information about this conference, please visit conference website:http://cft.csp.escience.cn.




下一篇:系列讲座:Symmetry Fractionalization in Two Dimensional Topological Phases