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organized by Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Organizers: Tin-Lun (Jason) Ho

Hui Zhai

Aug 22-24, 2018, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

This conference will focus on novel correlation effects in degenerate quantum gases. These effects include novel quantum many-body correlation effects:

1) found in new systems, such as quantum droplet and new mixtures

2) discovered with dynamical controls, such as time-periodic modulation of interactions and supersonic dynamics

3) revealed by new experimental tools, such as microscope and precision measurement


Antonio Rubio Abadal (Munich)

Waseem Bakr (Princeton)

Lawrence Cheuk (Harvard)

Cheng Chin (Chicago)

Christie Chiu (Harvard)

Eugene Demler (Harvrad)

Kuiyi Gao (Bonn)

Aki Goban (JILA)

Zoran Hadzibabic (Cambridge)

Christophe Salomon (ENS)

Ulrich Schneider (Cambridge)

Sandro Stringari (Trento)

Leticia Tarruell (ICFO)

Joseph Thywissen (Toronto)

Matthias Wenzel (Stuttgart)

For registration and more information, see conference website:

poster-Quantum Gases 2018.pdf

poster II-conferenc schedule.pdf

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