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Speaker: Dr. Hui Zhai (Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University)

Date:4:00pm, Mar.26, 2010

Venue:Conference Hall 322,Science Building

Abstract:A charged quantum system subjected to high magnetic fields often exhibits unusual phenomena such as integer and fractional quantum Hall effect. Although atoms are neutral, a synthetic gauge field for atoms can be generated by engineering atom-light interaction. A pioneering experiment by Ian Speilman’s group in NIST has successfully implemented this scheme in Rb-87 Bose-Einstein condensates (Nature, 462, 628 (2009)). This method potentially can create a sufficient large magnetic field to generate quantum Hall state in cold atoms. Combining with optical lattices, one can study a wide range of ultra-high field phenomena not accessible by real magnetic field in solids, namely, the magnetic flux through a unit cell is a sizable fraction of flux quanta. The properties of quantum many-body systems in such regime are barely explored and will surely lead to many fascinating phenomena. We shall give couple such examples.

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