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Date:3:00pm, Aug.18, 2010

Venue:Conference Hall 213,Science Building

Title: Lectures on AdS/CFT correspondence and its applications

Speaker: Dr. Yushu Song (IASTU)

Abstract:The AdS/CFT correspondence provides us with a valuable tool in studying strongly coupled field theories. Recently there are some applications to strongly-correlated systems in condensed-matter physics. In this talk, I will give an introduction to the AdS/CFT correspondence and its application to Non-Fermi liquids. First, I will introduce some basics about two sides of the correspondence. Then I will talk something about the correspondence itself and show that how to calculate the correlation function from the gravity side. In the end, I will discuss how to study non-Fermi liquids from AdS/CFT which is based on the work of Hong Liu et al. Concretely speaking the talk will cover the following topics:

1) large N field theory

2) introduction to GR and symmetries

3) introduction to AdS space and string theory

4) the description of AdS/CFT correspondence

5) Correlation function in AdS/CFT

6) Non-Fermi liquids from AdS/CFT

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