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Date:2012-07-24, 10:00am

Venue:Conference Hall 322, Science Building

Title: "Metallic" Insulator : Z2 spin liquids with Fermi surfaces

Speaker: Dr. Eun-Gook Moon

University of California, Santa Barbara

Abstract:Lots of exciting phenomena are observed in recent experiments in strongly correlated systems. Among them, behaviors of "metallic" insulators, whose thermal and spin properties show clear signals of Fermi surfaces in spite of being electrically good insulators, are observed in Iridates, complex oxides, and organic materials. It is impossible to understand such phases by using conventional solid state knowledge like the Landau Fermi liquids(or band insulators). Thus new concepts and their applications are called for.

In this talk, we discuss such exotic phases and propose candidate states as their ground states using particle-hole channel fractionalization.

Also, we propose a scenario to resolve puzzling of organic "metallic" insulators and discuss how to determine new phases to be found in future experiments.

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