Manuel Valiente Associate Member
Tel: +86-10-62797389
Education background
Dr. rer. nat. , Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Berlin (Germany), 2010
Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (now MSc programme) in Nuclear Physics, Universidad de Granada, Granada (Spain), 2008
Licenciado en Fisica (undergraduate in Physics), Universidad de Granada, Granada (Spain), 2006.
Associate member, Institute for advanced Study, Tsinghua University, 2018--
Research Associate, Institute of Photonics and Quantum Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (U.K.), 06/2012--05/2018
Villum Kann Rasmussen Postdoctoral Scholar, Lundbeck Foundation Theoretical Center for Quantum System Research, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Aarhus University, Aarhus (Denmark), 08/2010-05/2012
Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher, Institute for Electronic Structure and Laser, Foundation of Research and Technology-Hellas, Heraklion (Greece) , 07/2007 -- 06/2010
Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects
I am interested in the microscopic description of strongly interacting quantum systems, especially in ultracold atomic gases and topologically non-trivial matter. Most of my recent interests are concerned with the effective description of low-energy few-body degrees of freedom in reduced dimensions, starting from fully microscopic models. Even if a system looks strongly interacting -- such as ensembles of 4He atoms confined in a tube -- its few-body phenomenology might actually suggest an effective, weakly interacting description. On the other hand, certain effects in strongly-interacting many-body systems can be explained solely in terms of the solution to the few-body problem. Other research interests include linear and non-linear optical realisation of synthetic quantum systems.
Academic Achievement
List of publications :
Selected publications:
1) From Few to Many Body Degrees of Freedom, M. Valiente,Few-Body Systems 59, 101 (2018).
2) Observation of photon droplets and their dynamics, K. E. Wilson, N. Westerberg, M. Valiente, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 133903 (2018).
3) Experimental observation of anomalous topological edge modes in a slowly driven photonic lattice, S. Mukherjee, A. Spracklen, M. Valiente, et al., Nature Comms. 8, 13918 (2017).
4) Few-body route to one-dimensional quantum liquids, M. Valiente and P. Ohberg,Phys. Rev. A 94 (R), 051606 (2016).
5) Strongly interacting confined quantum systems in one dimension, A. G. Volosniev, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen, M. Valiente and N. T. Zinner, Nature Comms. 5, 6300 (2014).