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中国经济增长: 是奇迹?还是泡沫?

The Growth of the Chinese Economy: A Miracle or a Bubble?

刘遵义(Lawrence J. Lau)教授






摘 要







The Chinese economy has been growing at an average rate of approximately 10 percent per annum ever since China adopted a policy of economic reform and opening in 1978. Such a high rate of growth, sustained over such a long period of time—over thirty years—is unprecedented in the history of the World. Is the growth of the Chinese economy a miracle or a bubble?

It is argued that Chinese economic growth is neither a miracle nor a bubble. The Chinese economy had enormous under-utilised productive capacity to begin with and the Chinese Government adopted policies that enabled the realisation of this potential. The policy of economic reform and opening provided the opportunity as well as the incentive for the under-utilised and inefficiently utilised productive resources to be mobilised and exploited. The opening to the outside World further augmented the Chinese production possibilities through the imports of capital goods and the introduction of technologies new to China. In order to enhance the benefits of economic opening, the Chinese exchange rate, which was significantly over-valued at the time, was realigned.

But the transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy did not lead to chaos and economic contraction because of the dual-track approach to economic reform, under which the pre-existing central plan continued to be enforced, side-by-side with the introduction of enterprise autonomy and the free market. The dual-track approach assured that the economic reform did not produce any losers and yet at the same time allowed resources to be efficiently deployed. The Chinese economy was able to continue to grow during its transition and eventually, it economy out-grew the central plan in the 1990s. The feasibility of the dual-track approach depended critically on the continued ability of the state to enforce the pre-existing central plan.

In the 1990s, the Chinese economy entered a second phase of development as the World’s factory. Chinese exports grew by leaps and bounds. However in the 2000s, the Chinese economy began to reorient itself to its huge domestic market, becoming also the World’s market itself. China, as a large continental economy, is, like the United States of America, a naturally internal demand-driven economy.

Throughout this period, Chinese economic growth has been primarily driven by the growth of tangible inputs—capital and labour—and not by technical progress. Going forward, technical progress will become a more important source of Chinese economic growth. The Chinese economy will continue to grow at an average rate of 7-8 percent per annum over the next two or three decades, based mostly on its high domestic savings rates and its surplus labour on the supply side and its huge domestic market on the demand side. Thus, it cannot possibly be a mere bubble. The Chinese experience has been partially replicated in Vietnam, and may well be a model for potential transition economies such as Cuba, Laos and North Korea. It is not a miracle.

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