Date Speaker Affiliation Title / Poster / Talk slides 2020.12.23 Shang Liu Harvard University Large-N Approach to Gapless SPT20201223-Shang Liu.pdf 2020.11.12 Bartek Czech IAS, Tsinghua Entanglement…
Date Speaker Affiliation Title / Poster / Talk slides 2019.12.6 Chen-Te Ma South China Normal University Quantum Correction of the Wilson Line and Entanglement Entropy in the AdS_3 Chern-Simons Grav…
Date Speaker Affiliation Title 2019.11.18 Chao-Chin Yang Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas Planetesimal Formation through the Streaming Instability20191118-Chao-Chin Yang.pdf 2019.6.4? Zhuo Chen Univ. Of …
日期 报告人 报告人单位 报告题目/海报 Oct. 16/17/18, 2019 田矗舜 中科院理论物理所 The concentration-of-measure theory of waves:New perspectives of nonequilibrium statistical physics and mesoscopic p…
Date Speaker Affiliation Title (click for abstract) Note Oct 15, 2019 邢朝平 上海交通大学 A brief survey on secure multiparty computation20191015-Chaoping Xing.pdf May 15, 2019??? Shuhong Gao C…
Date Speaker Affiliation Title (click for poster) Oct, 2019 G. C. Strinati University of Camerino, Italy The BCS-BEC crossover with ultra-cold Fermi atomsposter-G. C. Strinati.pdf August, 2018??…
Date Speaker Affiliation Title (click for poster) Lecture Notes July 16/18, 2019 A. Zee University of California, Santa Barbara Talk I: Some personal views on quantum field theory: past, pr…
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