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Date: June 12- June 16, 2023

Venue: Conference Hall 104, Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University

Monday, June 12

10:20   Opening

10:30-12:00 Chong Wang (王翀), PI

Non-zero momentum requires long range entanglement

14:00-15:30 Pengfei Zhang (张鹏飞), Fudan U

The perturbative Page curve

Tuesday, June 13

10:30-12:00 Yi-Zhuang You (尤亦庄), UCSD

Symmetric mass generation

14:00-15:30 Yi-Fan Jiang (蒋易凡), ShanghaiTech U

Phase diagram and superconductivity of the doped Hubbard model

Wednesday, June 14

10:30-12:00 Zi-Xiang Li (李自翔), IOP CAS

New perspectives on fermion sign problem

14:00-15:30 Biao Lian (廉骉), Princeton University

The quantum breakdown model

Thursday, June 15

10:30-12:00 Long Zhang (张龙), UCAS

Exciton condensation in Landau levels

14:00-15:30 Chong Wang (王翀), PI

Topological phases with average symmetries

Friday, June 16

10:30-12:00 Zhen Bi (毕震), PSU

Measurement-prepared quantum phases and phase transitions

14:00-15:30 Wang Yang (杨望), Nankai U

Computational order parameter in measurement-based quantum computation

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上一篇:IASTU Cross-Disciplinary Fest, From the sky to the sea