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Speaker:Dr. Xiong-Jun Liu (刘雄军)

The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Time:10:30am, Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2012

Venue:Conference Hall 322, Science Building, Tsinghua University

Abstract:The study of topological superconductors and superfluid which host Majorana zero bound states (MZBS) has developed into a rapidly growing branch of condensed matter physics, driven both by the pursuit of exotic fundamental physics and the applications in fault-tolerant topological quantum computation (TQC). In this talk I will present an overview for the theoretical and experimental results for topological superconductors and superfluid, focusing on 1D and 2D systems. For 2D system, the Majorana zero mode exists in the vortex core and for 1D system such zero modes exist in the boundary. This talk is organized in three parts. The first part will review the fundamentals of the topological superconductors and superfluid. Then, I will focus on the recent progresses in observing Majorana zero modes in solid state systems. Finally, I will present some recent studies of topological superfluid in cold atom systems.

刘雄军博士2011年8月在美国Texas A&M大学取得博士学位。博士毕业后在马里兰大学的联合量子研究所(Joint Quantum Institute)以及凝聚态物理中心(Condensed Matter Theory Center)做Research Associate一年。目前在香港科大高等研究院从事研究工作。

刘雄军博士的研究兴趣包括Condensed Matter Theory和Cold Atoms两个领域。Condensed Matter方面,他近年来的主要兴趣有拓扑超导和拓扑绝缘体。冷原子方面主要关注在cold atoms提出实际可行的方案实现synthetic spin-orbit couplings,以及观测topological states 和 many body effects。到目前为止发表论文超过25篇,主要发表在Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B和Physical Review A上面。

上一篇:清华大学高等研究院杰出学人讲座:The renormalization group: ideas and applications, a short review

下一篇:Special IASTU Symposium on Superconductivity and Cold Atoms