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时 间: 2011年10月31日(周一)下午4:00

地 点: 清华大学科学馆一楼104报告厅

题 目: Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos: Real Stuff or Phantoms of the OPERA?

报 告 人: 吴咏时 教授


Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Utah

报告摘要: About one month ago the OPERA Collaboration announced that they have measured neutrinos (with energy about 17 GeV) traveling from CERN near Geneva, Switzerland to Gran Sasso laboratory in central Italy faster than the speed light (with time of flight about 60 ns shorter). If true, this result is extraordinary. However, there are many reasons to be skeptical. In this colloquium-level talk, I will give some background on the underground neutrino experiments, review the potentially revolutionary news from OPERA, discuss relevant issues and comment on certain recent theoretical papers.

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