Name |
Affiliation |
Period |
Office |
E-mail |
Host |
Yangzhou University |
12.26-12.29 |
321 |
ghodrati(at) |
Bartek Czech |
Congling Qiu |
Princeton University |
12.15-1.18 |
204 |
cq(at) |
Shouwu Zhang |
Zheyu Shi |
Monash University |
12.15-12.29 |
303 |
zheyushi(at) |
Hui Zhai |
Yifan Jiang |
Stanford |
12.15-1.4 |
303 |
jiang4410(at) |
Hong Yao |
Bei Zeng |
University of Guelph |
12.12-1.11 |
307 |
zengbei(at) |
Kailiang Lin |
Northwest A&F University |
11.17-12.31 |
207 |
kailiang_lin(at) |
Chen Ning Yang |
Tao Wu |
10.30-11.1 |
303 |
wutao(at) |
Zhengyu Weng |
Douglas N.C.Lin |
University of California, Santa Cruz |
10.19-10.29 |
224 |
lin(at) |
Eugenia Rosu |
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics |
9.30-11.1 |
204 |
rosu(at) |
Shouwu Zhang |
Alex Carney |
UC, Berkeley |
9.26-11.1 |
204 |
acarney(at) |
Shouwu Zhang |
Yongliang Zhang |
Caltech |
9.11-9.15 |
303 |
ylzhang(at) |
Xie Chen |
Chong Wang |
PI |
9.10- |
321 |
phchongwang(at) |
Douglas N.C.Lin |
University of California, Santa Cruz |
9.8-9.19 |
224 |
lin(at) |
Qi Zhou |
Purdue University |
9.7-9.15 |
321 |
zqzhouqi(at) |
Hui Zhai |
Chao, Alexander W. |
9.3-10.17 |
215 |
achao(at) |
Suk Bum Chung |
Seoul National University |
8.29-8.31 |
303 |
chung.sukbum(at) |
Hong Yao |
Roy Zhao |
UC, Berkeley |
8.25-11.19 |
204 |
rhzhao(at) |
Shouwu Zhang |
Cheng Li |
Ohio State University |
8.20-9.1 |
303 |
li.3881(at) |
Tin-Lun Ho |
Norman Yao |
UC, Berkeley |
8.12-8.18 |
303 |
norman.yao(at) |
Hui Zhai |
Xiao Hu |
University of Nevada Las Vegas |
8.2-8.7 |
321 | |
Xuening Bai |
Binghai Yan |
Weizmann Institute of Science |
7.31-8.2 |
binghaiyan(at) |
Zhong Wang |
Dongning Sheng |
California state university northridge |
7.30-8.9 |
321 |
donna.sheng1(at) |
Zhengyu Weng |
Douglas N.C.Lin |
University of California, Santa Cruz |
7.19-7.23 |
224 |
lin(at) |
Chao-Ming Jian |
7.8-7.22 |
321 |
cmjian(at) |
Hui Zhai |
Yi-Zhuang You |
University of California, San Diego |
7.3-7.22 |
303 |
you.everett(at) |
Bei Zeng |
University of Guelph |
6.27-9.4 |
317 |
zengbei(at) |
Huitao Shen |
6.27-7.7 |
huitaoshen.physics(at) |
Hui Zhai |
Taige Wang |
6.25-7.13 |
303 |
taw015(at) |
Xie Chen |
Yi Lu |
University of St Andrews |
6.25-8.17 |
303 |
yl72(at) |
Xuening Bai |
Xie Chen |
Caltech |
6.25-9.30 |
315 |
xiechen(at) |
Ruihua Fan |
Harvard |
6.23-7.28 |
ruihua_fan(at) |
Hui Zhai |
Qingrui Wang |
Chinese University of Hong Kong |
6.20-7.10 |
321 |
wangqr07(at) |
Zhengyu Weng |
Zhenbin Yang |
Princeton University |
6.12-6.17 |
303 |
zhenbiny(at) |
Hui Zhai |
Congling Qiu |
Princeton University |
6.11-9.1 |
224 |
cq(at) |
Shouwu Zhang |
Xinyi Yuan |
UC, Berkeley |
6.4- |
214 |
yxy(at) |
Hongchen Jiang |
5.31-6.20 |
321 |
hongchen777(at) |
Zhengyu Weng |
Guangwu Xu |
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
5.29-7.31 |
215 |
Xiaoyun Wang |
Boya Wen |
Princeton University |
5.28-8.28 |
224 |
boyaw(at) |
Shouwu Zhang |
Zhenghan Wang |
Microsoft Station Q and UCSB |
5.28-5.29 |
315 |
zhenghwa(at) |
Zhengyu Weng |
Lokman Tsui |
UC, Berkely |
5.27-6.20 |
303 |
lokman(at) |
Hong Yao |
Dunghai Lee |
UC, Berkely |
5.25-6.20 |
318 |
dunghai(at) |
Zixiang Li |
UC, Berkely |
5.23-7.19 |
321 |
lizixiang1990(at) |
Hong Yao |
Beng Zeng |
University of Guelph |
5.13-6.8 |
317 |
zengbei(at) |
Hui Zhai |
Joseph Thywissen |
University ot Toronto |
5.13-5.24 |
302 |
jht(at) |
Hui Zhai |
Lihua Yu |
5.3-5.20 |
Arun Paramekanti |
University of Toronto |
4.24-4.26 |
303 |
arunparamekanti(at) |
Hui Zhai |
Fan Guo |
Los Alamos National Laboratory |
4.23 |
303 |
Xuening Bai |
Douglas N.C.Lin |
University of California, Santa Cruz |
4.19-4.25 |
224 |
lin(at) |
Zhou Li |
4.15-4.18 |
224 |
zli5(at) |
Zheng Liu |
Michael Scherer |
University of Cologne |
4.9-4.21 |
321 |
scherer(at) |
Hong Yao |
Antonio Miguel Garcia-Garcia |
Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
4.1-4.4 |
303 |
mielrecio(at) |
Hui Zhai |
Bei Zeng |
University of Guelph |
3.13-4.2 |
317 |
zengbei(at) |
Zhiyuan Yao |
University of Massachusetts Amherst |
3.12-3.20 |
303 |
yao.umass(at) |
Hui Zhai |
Chong Wang |
Harvard University |
3.10-3.16 |
321 |
phchongwang(at) |
Shoji Mori |
Tokyo Institute of Technology |
3.4-3.10 |
303 |
mori.s(at) |
Xuening Bai |
Haifeng Yang |
University of Virginia |
1.21-1.28 |
304 |
hy4px(at) |
Xuening Bai |
Dongning Sheng |
California state university northridge |
1.17-1.27 |
315 |
Zheng-Yu Weng |
Zheng Zhu |
1.5-1.8 |
303 |
zhuzheng(at) |
Zheng-Yu Weng |
Huajia Wang |
1.2-1.5 |
321 |
rockhjw(at) |
Hong Yao |