E-mail |
Host |
Shina Tan |
Georgia Institute of Technology |
12/27-1/9 |
303 |
drshinatan(at)gmail.com |
Xiaji Liu |
Swinburne University of Technology |
12/23-12/30 |
321 |
xiajiliu(at)swin.edu.au |
Hui Zhai |
Hui Hu |
Swinburne University of Technology |
12/23-12/30 |
321 |
hhu(at)swin.edu.au |
Hui Zhai |
Cenke Xu |
12/10-12/29 |
303 |
xucenke(at)physics.ucsb.edu |
Douglas N.C.Lin |
University of California, Santa Cruz |
12/9-12/18 |
224 |
lin(at)ucolick.org |
Bartek Czech |
Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics |
12/7-12/13 |
303 |
bartlomiej.czech(at)gmail.com |
Shuai Yin |
National Tsing Hua University |
12/3-12/15 |
321 |
zsuyinshuai(at)163.com |
Hong Yao |
Ue-Li Pen |
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics |
11/30-1/9 |
210 |
pen(at)cita.utoronto.ca |
Bei Zeng |
University of Guelph |
11/22-11/29 |
303 |
zengbei(at)gmail.com |
Hui Zhai |
Jing Wang |
Stanford University |
11/18-11/22, 11/27-12/5 |
321 |
wjing01(at)gmail.com |
Hong Yao |
Jesper Levinsen |
Monash University |
11/10-11/13 |
321 |
jesperlevinsen(at)gmail.com |
Hui Zhai |
Gang Chen |
Fudan University |
11/10-11/16 |
303 |
Zhong Wang |
Xiwen Guan |
Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, CAS |
10/25-10/30 |
210 |
xwe105(at)wipm.ac.cn |
Hui Zhai |
Jainendra Jain |
The Pennsylvania State University |
10/21-10/25 |
Chushun Tian |
Douglas N.C.Lin |
University of California, Santa Cruz |
10/15-10/26 |
224 |
lin(at)ucolick.org |
Shunda Chen |
University of Insubria/UC Riverside |
10/10-12/31 |
304 |
Chushun Tian |
Shuai Yin |
National Tsing Hua University |
10/10-10/30 |
321 |
zsuyinshuai(at)163.com |
Hong Yao |
Chao Chang |
Xi'an Jiaotong University |
9/27-9/29 |
Yuzhu Jiang |
Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, CAS |
9/23- |
304 |
Hui Zhai |
Shimpei Endo |
Ecole Normale Superieure, France |
9/21-10/3 |
304 |
shimpei.endo(at)gmail.com |
Hui Zhai |
Douglas N.C.Lin |
University of California, Santa Cruz |
9/18-9/30 |
224 |
lin(at)ucolick.org |
Boris L. Altshuler |
Columbia University |
9/6-9/15 |
304 |
Chushun Tian |
Chao, Alexander W. |
9/4-12/12 |
215 |
achao(at)slac.stanford.edu |
Xin Liu |
Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
8/19-8/20 |
303 |
Zhengxin Liu |
Yi Li |
Princeton University |
8/5-8/29 |
321 |
Hui Zhai |
Xuening Bai |
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
8/3-8/21 |
304 |
Zhi Li |
Australian Institute for Innovative Materials |
8/2-8/7 |
303 |
Zheng Liu |
Du Yi |
Australian Institute for Innovative Materials |
8/2-8/7 |
303 |
Zheng Liu |
Yingfei Gu |
Stanford University |
8/2-8/31 |
304 |
Hui Zhai |
Shuo Yang |
PI |
8/1-8/31 |
321 |
Xiaogang Wen |
Wenjie Ji |
8/1-8/31 |
321 |
Xiaogang Wen |
Shizhong Zhang |
The University of Hong Kong |
7/28-7/31 |
Hui Zhai |
Biao Lian |
Stanford University |
7/21-7/28 |
Hui Zhai |
Chaoming Jian |
Stanford University |
7/18-8/10 |
304 |
Hui Zhai |
Chaoxing Liu |
Pennsylvania State University |
7/18-7/24 |
Zaanen Johannes |
Leiden University |
7/17-7/31 |
Zheng-Yu Weng |
Xiaoliang Qi |
Stanford University |
7/17-8/21 |
Lingxin Kong |
Fudan University |
7/16-7/21 |
Chushun Tian |
Bei-Lok HU |
Visiting Professor, Fudan University/Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics and Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland |
7/14-7/16 |
Chushun Tian |
Yong-Shi Wu |
Fudan University and University of Utah |
6/28-7/4 |
207 |
yswu(at)fudan.edu.cn |
Zengqiang Yu |
Shanxi University |
6/18-7/21 |
304 |
zqyu.physics(at)outlook.com |
Hui Zhai |
Shizhong Zhang |
The University of Hong Kong |
6/18-6/22 |
304 |
shizhong.zhang(at)gmail.com |
Hui Zhai |
Peng Ye |
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
6/18-6/24 |
303 |
yphysics(at)gmail.com |
Haijun Zhang |
Nanjing University |
6/15-6/22 |
321 |
zhanghj(at)nju.edu.cn |
Hong Yao |
Yuanming Lu |
Ohio State University |
6/15-6/25 |
303 |
lu.1435(at)osu.edu |
Kai Sun |
University of Michigan |
6/14-6/20 |
321 |
sunkai(at)umich.edu |
Hong Yao |
Bei Zeng |
University of Guelph |
6/13-7/19 |
304 |
zengbei(at)gmail.com |
Douglas N.C.Lin |
University of California, Santa Cruz |
5/22-6/3 |
224 |
lin(at)ucolick.org |
Zhengcheng Gu |
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
5/13-6/13 |
303 |
zgu(at)perimeterinstitute.ca |
Xie Chen |
Caltech |
5/8-9/19 |
303 |
xiechen(at)caltech.edu |
Shouwu Zhang |
Princeton University |
4/30-6/30 |
204 |
Ying-Jer Kao |
National Taiwan University |
4/21-4/24 |
321 |
yjka(at)phys.ntu.edu.tw |
Hong Yao |
Douglas N.C.Lin |
University of California, Santa Cruz |
4/20-4/26 |
224 |
lin(at)ucolick.org |
Dominique Delande |
Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, UPMC and ENS |
4/18-4/28 |
303 |
Chushun Tian |
Wenge Wang |
University of Science an Technology of China |
4/8-4/10 |
303 |
Chushun Tian |
Bei Zeng |
University of Guelph |
3/28-4/12 |
304 |
zengbei(at)gmail.com |
Hui Zhai |
Zengqiang Yu |
Shanxi University |
3/14-3/20 |
304 |
zqyu.physics(at)outlook.com |
Hui Zhai |
Lih-King Lim |
Max-Planck-Institut for Physik komplexer Systeme |
1/18-1/25 |
lihlim80(at)gmail.com |
Wang Yao |
The University of Hong Kong |
1/13-1/15 |
wangyao(at)hku.hk |
Suk Bum Chung |
IBS-CCES, Seoul National University |
1/12-1/16 |
chung.sukbum(at)gmail.com |
Hong Yao |
Weiqiang Chen |
1/3-1/5 |
chen.wq(at)sustc.edu.cn |
Qi Zhou |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
1/2-1/4 |
304 |
zqzhouqi(at)gmail.com |
Hui Hu |
Swinburne University of Technology |
1/2-1/8 |
321 |
hhu(at)swin.edu.au |
Xiaji Liu |
Swinburne University of Technology |
1/2-1/8 |
321 |
xiajiliu(at)swin.edu.au |